Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

Definition of RDS
RDS / HMD are serious breathing airway disturbance (alveoli can’t open because there is get high membrane pressure) because of lungs immature or less of surfactant especially in baby born with less of period. Occur in 5-10 % preterm infant and 50 % of infant with birth weight between 501 and 1500 gram.

Etiology of RDS

  1. The preterm infant
  2. Asphyxia intrauterine
  3. Risk of section Caesarea
  4. Diabetes Mellitus
  5. Mother with history of childbirth preterm infant
  6. The accelerate childbirth because of antepartum bleeding
  7. The health historical of mother with HMD

Pathophisiology of RDS

The incidence is inversely proportional to the gestational age and birth weigh. RDS find in 6% of neonatus. The deficiency or disturbance function of surfactant became the major of cause. It is show to be familiar by Avery and Mead in 1959. Those are happen atherosclerosis of alveoli - edema - broken of cells - urinate of proteins serum to the alveoli - disturbance or blocked function of surfactant.

Sign and symptom of RDS

  1. Tachypneic (Fast breathing) frequent more than 60 times per minute
  2. Retraces intercostals (the abnormal movement when breathing)
  3. Short breathing and to listen to grunting
  4. Ear lobe became large
  5. Cyanotic (blue in color skin and membrane)
  6. Edema in legs and arms

Risk factor of RDS

  1. Baby born from mother with DM history
  2. Baby big with collapse lungs or less of surfactant

Treatment to patient with RDS

Supplemental of surfactant can do to prevent RDS or therapy of RDS. This therapy can decrease of ventilation pressure necessity and decrease the high concentrate of oxygen.

Good antenatal care, make sure surfactant lungs condition with mechanic ventilation, supplemental surfactant from outer body and steroid supplemental to mother with less month pregnancy.

The normally condition of newborn are:

The normal value of:

Weight about 7, 5 pounds or 3200 grams

Length 14-20 inch or (35.6-50.8 centimeters)

Temperature 36, 5 – 67, 4 degrees celcius

The classification of premature baby are:

Baby born less than 37 weeks

Body weighs less than 1500 gram

WHO make a classification premature baby into weigh body categories that are:

Less of month: Baby born less than 37 weeks

Very less of month: Baby born less than 34 weeks

Extreme Less of month: Baby born less than 28 weeks

Premature baby are half of fetus or embryo and other half again newborn.

First exams for newborn life are:

After the childbirth the importance one are prepare the baby to survive in the new environment. We can help baby to adaptation her/his environment.

In the first minute:

Do apgar test

Exams the genetic barrier condition

Test maturation of baby

Physical examination

Give eye drop medication (prevent infection)

60 minute first baby life:

Do breast feeding (give colostrums)

24 hour first baby life:

Rooming in, Look and Listen the baby. Keep clean baby environment and do breast feeding.

48 hour baby life:

Blood test or bilirubin and make sure the normally condition.
